Game Guide

Game > Ranks

The game consists of nine stages through which players progress. Players start at Rank 1 and progress to Rank 9 by meeting their Victory Points (VP) thresholds. VP is gained by winning matches, but is also lost by losing matches. The basic amount of victory points gained or lost depends on the difference in victory points between the two players. Players who are equal or close to each other's victory points gain or lose different amounts of VP per match, and players far away from each other in points gain or lose variable VP between 5-40.

The amount of victory points gained or lost is based on the comparison of each player's Rating. The rating is a number that is not disclosed to the player, but is an approximate skill. The rating is determined by a similar system in many games such as Counter Strike: GO and Guild Wars 2.

The amount of VP gained or lost is based on the comparison of each player's Rating. Two similarly rated players lose a match and gain 40 VP. As the difference between each player's Rating increases, the VP change is linearly increased to a maximum of 40 or min. It is reduced to 5.

Victory Points start from 0 and have no upper limit. Usually a few players exceed 1000 ZP and the average player is around 600-700 after many games. If players lose victory points until they drop below 25 from the amount required for their Tier, they are also dropped to the Rank. For example: A player with 510 VP will be in Tier 6. If they lose a game until they drop to 470 ZP, they'll revert to Tier 5 because 470 VP is more than 25 lower VP required for Tier 6 (minimum VP required for Tier 6 is 500).