Game Guide

Alliances > Friendlies

Members of an Alliance can challenge each other in Friendly Matches. These matches are not held for any monetary reward and have no effect on the player's rank or rank, but allow players to practice or share strategies.
A player can openly invite other Alliance members for a Friendly Match by tapping the [Friendly Battle] button in the lower right corner of the Alliance Chat screen. With this invitation, a window opens where the player can write a message that will be displayed with the challenge and confirm or cancel the challenge.

After a challenge is posted, it appears in the Alliance Chat section as a dialog with the identified message, the challenger's name, Alliance rank, victory points, a timestamp, and a [Battle] button for other players.
A Friendlies starts as soon as a player accepts the challenge, but can be canceled by the player who previously arranged the challenge.
A challenger cannot change screens or tabs between editing and accepting or canceling a Friendlies challenge. The corresponding navigation buttons and tabs are grayed out and the swipe to switch screens does not work. However, during this lockdown period, the player can scroll through Alliance Chat messages on the Alliance Chat screen, write and send Alliance Chat messages, and request or donate cards on the Alliance Chat screen, and these buttons are not disabled and can be used.
The challenge message in the Alliance Chat will change to a message that allows the replay of the match to be watched after the match ends.