Game Guide

Operations > Alliance Operations

Alliance Operations are tied to an alliance and any member of the Alliance who has Operation System Unlocked can use any available. However, the cooldowns for these Operations are player dependent.

Unlocking/upgrading Operations requires more Operations points than most alliances can do in a season, so you need to have a group strategy and act collectively towards that goal.

The participation of everyone in the Alliance is crucial at this point, and joint action is required for even more Operation points. Alliances with active members will have the power to unlock even more Alliance Operations.

The Alliance Operations set changes during each season's reset, so at least one Alliance Operation is removed and a new one is activated. In subsequent seasons, the cycle repeats, and all-new Alliance Operations may be added from time to time in updates.

Season Reset
At the end of the season, Operations resets
All unlocked Operations are locked (level 0)
All ranks are relocked
Seasonal Unlock requirements for all tiers are Randomized
Available Player and Alliance Operations are Randomized
Player's Player Operations Points are reset based on their end-of-season rank