Game Guide

Operations > Player Operations

  • Rally Troops

All troops spawn at Level +2 for x seconds and gain 1 supply every x seconds.

(+Duration +Bonus supply interval)


  • Inspired Tactics

All tactics are played at Level +2 for x seconds and gain 1 supply every x seconds.

(+Duration +Bonus supply interval)


  • Reinforce

Reduce damage taken by your Base and Bunkers by x% for x seconds.

(+Damage reduction % +Duration)


  • Recruit

Troops spawn from the base with more units for x seconds

(+Higher Spawn Count% +Duration)


  • Blitzkrieg

Tanks cost 1 less supply to spawn for x seconds and move x% faster

(+Duration +Bonus Movement Speed %)


  • Armor Plating

Adds x% bonus armor and x% damage reduction to all friendly non-building troops.

(+Bonus Health% +Damage Reduce%)


  • Heroism

All troops will spawn with x% bonus damage and x% bonus movement speed for x seconds.

(+Bonus Damage% +Bonus Movement Speed% +Duration +Effect Duration)


  • Incinerate

Firebombs at Player Level x strike the battlefield for x seconds.

(+Duration +Player Level)


  • Battalion

Spawns all your troops at once at Player Level x

(+Troop Level)


  • Barbed Field

Covers enemy side of the battlefield near their base with X barbed wires at Player level x

(+Number of Barbs +Player Level)


  • Call to Arms

Spawns 2 Outposts on your side of the field at % health.

(+Current Health +Player Level)


  • Disorient

Enemy units wander aimlessly for x seconds and permanently lose damage % dealt.

(+Duration +Damage Dealt Reduce)


  • Bolster Defenses

All damage done to bunkers or bases instead heals them by x% for x seconds.

(+Heal % +Duration)


  • Russian Winter

Freezes vehicles in place and drains health for x seconds.

(+Duration +Vehicle Damage +Vehicle Damage per Tick +Tick Duration)


  • Airborne Division

Drops x groups of paratroopers at Player Level x across the battlefield.

(+Paratroopers Spawns # +Player Level +Riflemen Spawn Count)


  • Bomber Fleet

Dive Bombs at Player Level x strike the battlefield for x seconds.

(+Duration +Player Level)