Game Guide

Tactics > Tactics List


Bunker Buster


A low-cost bomb that deals extreme damage to buildings.


Rarity: Common



Places a group of landmines, hidden from enemies, in an area that explode shortly after being walked over. 


Rarity: Common

Dive Bomb


Calls a dive bomber to swoop in and deliver an anti-vehicle strike. 


Rarity: Common

Barbed wire


Places a barbed wire in an area that slows and damages enemies that pass through it. 


Rarity: Common

Strafing Run


Strafes enemies with fire from a fighter plane, dealing damage in a line. 


Rarity: Common



Spurs friendly units to charge headlong into battle, increasing their attack and movement speeds for its duration. 


Rarity: Common

Ammo Drop


Drops a container of ammunition that increases the damage vs. troops of all friendly troops that pass through its effect radius. 


Rarity: Common

Artillery Barrage


Blasts an area with multiple artillery shots that deal damage in a small radius. 


Rarity: Common

Anti-Tank Mines


Places a group of anti-tank mines, hidden from enemies, in an area that explode shortly after being walked over. Deals huge damage to vehicles.


Rarity: Common



Orders allied infantry to dig into a protective firing position, mitigating damage taken and becoming untargetable to tank cannons. 

Rarity: Common

Dragon's Teeth


Slows, damages, and blocks vehicles from passing an area until the Dragon’s Teeth are destroyed. 


Rarity: Common



Slows, damages, and blocks vehicles from passing an area until the Dragon’s Teeth are destroyed. 


Rarity: Common



Slows, damages, and blocks vehicles from passing an area until the Dragon’s Teeth are destroyed. 


Rarity: Common



Places an outpost at target location that continually produces Riflemen over time. 


Rarity: Uncommon



Drops a bomb that lights enemies in its area on fire, dealing damage over time. 


Rarity: Uncommon



Drops a group of Riflemen at target location. 


Rarity: Uncommon


A transport that delivers troops to target location, then continues to fight as a machine gun-toting vehicle. 


Rarity: Uncommon

Troop Transport


Calls a Troop Transport vehicle to target location. The transport drives from the Base to its target, unloads Riflemen, and refunds some Supply cost if it then returns to the Base safely. 


Rarity: Uncommon

Anti-Armor Rounds


Drops a crate of armor-piercing ammunition, increasing the vehicle damage of all units that pass through its effect radius. 


Rarity: Uncommon



Adds armor and health to target friendly capture point. 


Rarity: Uncommon

Rocket Battery


Equips friendly Bunkers with powerful rocket launchers for its duration. 


Rarity: Uncommon


Blast Mines


Places 12 mines on the field, which deal damage to both infantry and tanks and slows them. 


Rarity: Uncommon

Military Motorcycle


A military motorcycle with a sidecar that is equipped with a machine gun. Has a chance to spawn a rifleman when destroyed. 


Rarity: Uncommon

Watch Tower


Attaches a machine gun equipped Watch Tower to the forward capture point, expanding the Marching Front territory. 


Rarity: Rare



Places an artillery piece that deals damage at long range. 


Rarity: Rare

White Phosphorus


Drops a highly flammable chemical in a line that briefly marches toward enemy territory. Burns afflicted targets, causing panic when lethal. 


Rarity: Rare

Machine Gun Nest


Places a machine gunner in a static position that riddles enemies with a constant stream of fire. 


Rarity: Rare

Bombing Run


Calls in a bomber to drop bombs dealing huge damage in a line centered on target location. 


Rarity: Rare

Tank Traps


Places tank traps in an area that slow and damage enemy vehicles. 


Rarity: Rare



Choose an area to drop propaganda leaflets and turn enemy infantry on your side for a short duration. The card also has a chance to turn enemy vehicles on your side. 


Rarity: Rare

Radio Tower


Attaches a Radio Tower to the forward capture point, generating Supply over time. This card will always appear last in your deck. 


Rarity: Rare

Last Stand


Instills a burst of willpower in target friendly units, giving them a new reserve of hitpoints to draw from when they otherwise would take fatal damage. 


Rarity: Rare



Places an armored structure with dual machine gun nests at target location.


Rarity: Rare

Drill Sergeant


Mid-Range pistol-wielding sergeant who rallies nearby friendly soldiers, increasing all  their damage dealt. 


Rarity: Rare

Rocket Strike


Launches a devastating rocket strike at target location, dealing heavy damage and terrifying nearby enemy infantry. 


Rarity: Heroic

Carpet Bomb


Initiates a massive bombing campaign, heavily damaging everything on the battlefield. 


Rarity: Heroic

Radio Operator


Delivers a Radio Operator troop to target location, which can call in tactical air strikes on enemies. 


Rarity: Heroic

War Hero


A single heroic infantry fighter who parachutes into battle. The Hero is a capable fighter who uses flamethrower, machine gun, and grenades depending on his target type and gains rank and a damage bonus the longer he survives. Will leave Capture Points when idle. 


Rarity: Heroic